Babymouse Goes for the Gold

Babymouse has great dreams€¦and wet whiskers. She has joined the swim team, and is ready to dive in! Next stop? The Olympics!
Discovery Questions
After your child receives and reads this book, Discuss one or more of the following questions to help him/her make connections and build comprehension.
- Babymouse has a terrific imagination. She pretends she is the star of the team. When have you pretended that you were the star of something? Write that story. Share it with a parent.
- Babymouse has to borrow a swim cap and goggles. Think of another story. Who else has to borrow something? Use a Venn diagram. How are they like Babymouse? How are they different? Share your diagram with a parent.
- Babymouse needs some time to fit into the swim team. She wants to quit. She tries to quit. The rest of the team doesn't want her to. They are kind to her. How does that make her feel? Why is it important to always be kind to people? Talk about it with a parent.
- Babymouse has a wild imagination. She imagines a quid in the pool. She imagines a whale. She imagines a shark. She imagines a submarine. What else might there be in the water that could be dangerous? Write that story. Don't forget to draw and color the pictures! Share your story with a parent.
Discovery Questions are available in 100+ languages in the app.
Book Details
Grade Level
2nd Grade
Life Skills?
Culturally Diverse?
Student Favorite?
Part of a Series?
Book Code