
When was the last time you had a bad day? Could it have possibly been worse than Clementine's? She had five bad days all in a row! Can she keep her parents from giving her away?
Discovery Questions
After your child receives and reads this book, Discuss one or more of the following questions to help him/her make connections and build comprehension.
- The book opens with Clementine having a bad week. When have you had a bad day, or longer? Write about it. Share your story with a parent.
- Clementine just wants to help. But her intentions are rarely appreciated. What other character in another story just wants to help? Use a Venn diagram. How are they like Clementine? How are they different? Share your diagram with a parent.
- Margaret and Clementine exchange gifts and forgive each other. Why is this a good thing? Talk about it with a parent.
- Clementine says she wants to get a tattoo. Draw out five different suggestions you would have for her tattoo. Share your drawings with a parent.
Discovery Questions are available in 100+ languages in the app.
Book Details
Grade Level
4th Grade
Life Skills?
Culturally Diverse?
Student Favorite?
Part of a Series?
Book Code
Discover More about Clementine
Meet the Author and Illustrator
Other Clementine Books

Clementine is a frequent flyer to the principal’s office! She also walks to the beat of her own drum. Read more books about Clementine!
The Talented Clementine
Clementine Friend of the Week
Clementine and the Spring Trip
Change Makers
How does Clementine use her ingenuity to fix an existing problem? Why is Clementine a change maker? Learn more about changemakers in this video!
Want to be an Artist?
Watch this video to learn a recipe to make clay at home!