National Geographic Kids: Animal Architects

National Geographic Kids: Animal Architects

Why do beavers build dams?  And how do spiders weave their webs?  This book will show you birds, insects, and mammals that all share a special skill!

By: Libby Romero

Discovery Questions

After your child receives and reads this book, Discuss one or more of the following questions to help him/her make connections and build comprehension.

  • Which one of these animal architects did you find the most fascinating? Why? Talk about it with a parent.
  • Native Americans considered it bad luck to kill a spider in the house. What are the pros and cons of living with spiders? Make a list. Share your list with a parent.
  • Research the Sociable Weaver birds of South Africa. The nests they build are like apartment buildings. What are they like inside that mass of straw and grass? Draw a picture of their nests.
  • Collect some twigs, glue, mud, and straw. See if you can build a bird's nest.

Discovery Questions are available in 100+ languages in the app.

Book Details

Grade Level
4th Grade
Life Skills?
Culturally Diverse?
Student Favorite?
Part of a Series?
Book Code

Discover More about National Geographic Kids: Animal Architects

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Other National Geographic Books

More About Architects

Watch this video to meet a kid architect and learn more about the profession!

Video to Text Connection

After watching the video about architects, think! How do animals’ needs — to eat, sleep, and be safe — determine what their houses look like? How is it the same for humans? Draw a picture of your dream house based on your needs!

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