National Geographic Kids: Hop, Bunny!

What do bunnies do all day? Where do they go? What do they see? This book will tell you>
Discovery Questions
After your child receives and reads this book, Discuss one or more of the following questions to help him/her make connections and build comprehension.
- Bunnies have big ears. Bunnies have big back feet. Have a parent help you. Research why. How do their ears help them? How do their back feet help them?
- Have a parent help you. Research what bunnies eat. Share what you learn.
- Have a parent help you. Research what a bunny might be afraid of. Make a list of at least five things.
- Look at the pictures on page 23. Follow the directions to write a story about a bunny. Share your story with a parent.
Discovery Questions are available in 100+ languages in the app.
Book Details
Discover More about National Geographic Kids: Hop, Bunny!
Different Types of Rabbits
Did you know that there are over 60 breeds of rabbits in the world? Read to learn more about the different breeds of rabbits in this article!
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Discover More About Wild Rabbits!
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Forest Scavenger Hunt

Go to a local forest with a guardian and explore! How many items from Hop, Bunny can you find?
Animals: bunny, deer, squirrel, bug,
snake, turkey
Plants: tree, leaf, fern, flower
Water: pond, stream, waterfall