Riot Brothers: Snarf Attack, Underfoodle, and the Secret of Life
How would you make your brother laugh? Sticking a green bean in your nose? Or putting your underwear on your head? Meet the Riot brothers. Two boys who can actually make money being annoying.
Discovery Questions
After your child receives and reads this book, Discuss one or more of the following questions to help him/her make connections and build comprehension.
- The boys wanted to make money. If you needed to make money what would you do? Write about it. Share your story with a parent.
- The boys' mother thinks they are funny. Think of another story with a mom in it. Use a Venn diagram. How is Lydia Riot like that mom? How is she different? Share your diagram with a parent.
- Goliath Hyke is a bully. He dumped milk on Jonathan Kemp's spaghetti. He threw snowballs at the kids on a snow day. The brothers got even with him. They sent him sliding down the hill on their Doodie Boots. Even though Goliath is a bully, he could have been seriously hurt sliding down the street, unable to stop. Was this a good idea, or a bad idea? Talk about it with a parent.
- Pretend you are invited to a birthday party at the brothers' house. Write about what happens during the party. Don't forget to draw and color the pictures. Share your story with a parent!
Discovery Questions are available in 100+ languages in the app.
Book Details
Grade Level
3rd Grade
Life Skills?
Culturally Diverse?
Student Favorite?
Part of a Series?
Book Code