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A stack of books sits on a dock overlooking a body of water at sunset.

Take a Book on Vacation

A vacation and a good book – name a more iconic duo! Books can go anywhere you go and can take you to more places than you could imagine!

Reading is essential to us here at Kids Read Now. Reading awakens children’s minds, sparks creativity, and provides an escape to another world full of imagination!

As you begin packing for your next vacation, encourage your kids to pick out a few books to take with them. Empower them by giving them the option of choosing which books to take along. Choice goes a long way to creating an independent and encouraged reader!

In fact, many studies show when children self-select titles, they are more likely to read, comprehend, and enjoy the book.

Tips for reading on vacation with your child

Books can go anywhere you go: road trips, camping adventures, beach lazy days, mountain getaways, or even a staycation in your backyard. They never need batteries or a charger, and they are a great way to reduce stress, relax, and keep your mind active.

During our summer program, every book includes a Discovery Sheet on the inside of the front cover that encourages children to relate the book to other books, to themselves, and to the world around them. Families can easily replicate the same process on their own and join in on the fun with their books.

Here are a few tips for encouraging reading on vacation:

  • Read the same book. Especially if your child is reading chapter books, grab an extra copy for yourself! Talk about character differences and the plot of the story to get a glimpse into their imagination.
  • Ask questions about the book they are reading. Questions don’t have to feel like pop quizzes! Have conversations with your children about the book they are reading. Ask them what the book is about, their favorite characters, and what is happening in the current chapter. Be curious, and your child will be open to sharing.
  • Give guidelines around book selection. Ask your child to choose different kinds of books to take on vacation. Examples include educational, imaginative, or a more challenging title.
  • Make reading a choice. While it’s important to encourage reading as a daily habit, don’t force the reading mandate. If children are required to read a specific title within a particular timeframe, it may become more of a battle for the parents and a chore for the child. As children are encouraged to make independent choices, they will be able to discern what they enjoy learning more about and choose books based on their preferences. Remember those studies about choice we mentioned above?

Vacations are a temporary escape from reality, a time to relax and let your mind wander – just like books. They should be enjoyed and revisited whenever possible. As you prepare for your next adventure, remember to add a few good books to your list, too.

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