Kids Read Now Explainer Video and Transcript – proven to solve the summer reading slide
Across the country, school administrators face the same challenge.
Principal: Reading proficiency scores are a real issue. Not only are we still trying to catch up from the pandemic, but we’ve got the summer coming up. And there’s always a reading slide over the summer. So what do we do? Summer programs mean huge logistics and expensive staff time. Plus, we don’t have great participation in those programs anyway. We need a better solution.
Narrator: Kids Read Now provides that solution. Our proven program eliminates the summer reading slide in students from pre-K through fifth grade. Students are engaged because they choose the books they want to read over the summer. Then we mail the books directly to their homes all summer long.
Principal: Students enrolled in Kids Read Now see gains of two to four months of learning over the summer.
Narrator: Kids Read Now creates these proven results for pennies on the dollar when compared with traditional summer programs.
Three ways to quickly learn how you can bring this program to your schools:
- Chat with us using the online chat box found bottom right of this screen. (available weekdays 8am-5pm EST)
- Schedule a 15 minute Demo to gain an overview
- Tell us what you’d like to know and ask us to contact you at your convenience! Contact us.