Estimated reading time: 18 minutes
Bilingual books help families build reading habits that last
As an educator, you play a crucial role in supporting your bilingual learners, helping them thrive in English and Spanish. To help you build their literacy skills across both languages, Kids Read Now is continually expanding our selection of bilingual books for your students to choose from, which we then mail to their homes so they can continue their reading journey in a comfortable and familiar environment.
Along with more Spanish/English book choices, our program embeds powerful supports for bilingual learners and their families. Every book your students receive through the mail from Kids Read Now comes with its own Discovery Questions — language comprehension resources based in Science of Reading principles, and available in their home language through the app.
For Literacy Leaders in schools, it’s an easy way to support your English Learners (ELs) and begin to bridge the opportunity gap.
Watch the Video: CEO Dr. Kristen Walter, Ed.D. talks about how the Kids Read Now program works for bilingual families and all students!
Our program is built to foster a love for reading in both languages, enhance vocabulary development, and improve comprehension skills. This approach not only supports your students’ literacy growth but also reinforces their cultural identity and connection to their heritage, empowering them to become confident, proficient readers in English and Spanish.
Curious how this program can transform outcomes in your school or district? Learn more about our bilingual books in the list below…
A powerful program for bilingual learners and their families
Let’s look closer Kids Read Now’s updated book selection that supports bilingual students for 2024-2025.
The bilingual version of the We Both Read series maintains the same “shared reading” format as the English edition. There is a Parent’s Page (Página del padre) and a Child’s Page (Página del niño) containing text in both English and Spanish.
Books in this series are ideal for shared reading in Spanish-speaking households where parents have varying levels of English proficiency. Additionally, the dual-language format offers choices to bilingual families, allowing both children and their parents to practice and enhance their reading abilities in multiple languages.
Check out these exceptional PreK-5 bilingual titles that students love to choose, receive in the mail to keep, and read again and again — in English, Spanish, or both!
1. Museum Day / Día del museo
By: Sindy McKay | Illustrated by: Meredith Johnson | Fiction | Kindergarten
Here, readers follow a young girl and her dad as they spend a fun-filled day exploring all the fascinating exhibits in a museum. Along the way, a little bird adds some delightful humor as it manages to get into the museum and follows the pair through the exhibits.
Sample Question: The girl and her dad saw art that was made by ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians loved cats. What animal would you put in your art? Why? Talk about it with an adult.

2. Dragons Do Not Share! / ¡Los dragones no comparten!
By: D. J. Panec | Illustrated by: Andy Elkerton | Fiction | Kindergarten
When his cousin Tess visits, a dragon named Sam refuses to share anything, including his treasure map. However, seeing her cry reminds him of his sadness. He decides to share the map with Tess, and together, they find an amazing treasure.

3. What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? /¿Qué harías con una cola como esta?
By: Sindy McKay | Illustrated by: Meredith Johnson | Fiction | Kindergarten
In this Caldecott Honor picture book, Steven Jenkins and Robin Page highlight animals’ incredible abilities by getting up-close with their eyes, ears, mouths, noses, feet, and tails. Young readers will enjoy the interactive guessing game. What animal has a nose for digging? Ears for seeing? Eyes that squirt blood? Turn the page to find out.

4. About Bats / Acerca de los murciélagos
By: Sindy McKay | Illustrated by: Wendy Smith | Nonfiction | Kindergarten
This introduction to little brown bats covers their flying, food-locating, shelter-seeking, and sleeping habits. The Spanish/English edition uses a “shared reading” format, making it ideal for Spanish-speaking homes where parents may have limited literacy, and helping children and their parents improve reading skills in both languages.

5. Cute Animals / Lindos animales
By: Sindy McKay | Nonfiction | Kindergarten
A nonfiction bilingual book filled with photos of real animals that support vocabulary and background-building in both English and Spanish. This interactive reading experience encourages children, even those who have never read, to get involved and feel excited about learning to read.

6. Dragons Do Not Go to School! / ¡Los dragones no van a la escuela!
By: D. J. Panec | Illustrated by: Andy Elkerton | Fiction | Kindergarten
In this Spanish/English read-aloud book, Rex is set to start school in two days. But he believes dragons shouldn’t have to attend. He prefers running through the hills pretending to fly. With his mother’s encouragement, he goes to school, discovers he actually enjoys learning, and even makes a new friend.

7. Too Many Cats / Demasiados gatos
By: Sindy McKay | Illustrated by: Meredith Johnson | Fiction | Kindergarten
Suzu has requested a white cat for her birthday. However, on the eve of her special day, she discovers all kinds of cats scattered throughout the house, most of them in quite unexpected colors! Suzu adores cats, but now she finds herself overwhelmed with too many! She focuses by reading the names of the colors and the numbers from one to ten.
8. How Do You Hug a Porcupine? / ¿Cómo abrazas a un puercoespín?
By: Laura Isop | Illustrated by: Gwen Millard | Fiction | 1st Grade
The little boy who stars in this funny story knows just how to snuggle with kitties, bunnies, and even cows. But he can’t figure out how to approach the prickly porcupine. He knows pigs need extra-big hugs, while baby chicks need sweet and kind hugs, but can he figure out a way to cuddle a creature with sharp quills?
Sample Question: Do you like hugging? Do you like being hugged? Why? How does it make you feel? Who would you like to hug right now? Why? Talk about it with an adult.
9. Cuddled and Carried / Consentido y cargado
By: Dia L. Michels | Illustrated by: Mike Speiser | Nonfiction | 1st Grade
This bilingual book celebrates the bond between parents and their babies across the animal kingdom. With stunning illustrations and lyrical verses, it engages young readers and is accessible to English and Spanish audiences.
Sample Question: What are some ways your parents take care of you? How are they the same as animals? How are they different? Talk about it with an adult.
10. About Pets/Acerca de las mascotas
By: Sindy McKay | Illustrated by: Meredith Johnson | Nonfiction | 1st Grade
This nonfiction Spanish/English book explores the delightful joys and important responsibilities of pet ownership. It showcases an array of popular and unusual pets, inviting children into the wonderful world of animal companionship.
Sample Question: What kind of pet would be the perfect pet for you? Why? Talk about it with an adult.
11. The Animals Would Not Sleep / Los animales no se dormían
By: Sara Levine | Illustrated by: Marta Álvarez Miguéns | Fiction | 1st Grade
It’s bedtime for Marco, but his stuffed animals have other ideas — they fly, swim, and slither right out of their bins! Can Marco sort them so everyone is happy? The book is perfect for bedtime, features Latinx characters, combines math with empathy. and even has a note about scientific classification.
Sample Question: The animals would not fall asleep. Do you ever have trouble falling asleep? What do you do? Talk about it with an adult.
12. My Sitter is a T-Rex / ¡Mi niñera es un T-Rex!
By: Paul Orshoski | Illustrated by: Jeffrey Ebbeler | Fiction | 1st Grade
Mom and Dad rush out the door when the new babysitter arrives. But the new sitter is a T-Rex! In this fun-filled adventure, a boy deals with the scariest babysitter ever.
Sample Question: Who is your babysitter? What do you do together? Do you like them? Write a story about them. Share your story with an adult.

13. We All Sleep / Todos dormimos
By: D. J. Panec | Illustrated by: Gloria Lapuyade | Fiction | 1st Grade
This fiction dual-language book shows familiar animals as they live, play, and sleep. Rhymes and repeated words make it fun while supporting emerging readers and English Learners.
14. Luna’s Yum Yum Dim Sum / Luna y su riquísimo dim sum
By: Natasha Yin | Illustrated by: Violet Kim | Fiction | 2nd Grade
A storytelling math adventure! On Luna’s birthday, the family goes out for dim sum, but she and her brothers can’t agree on how to share five pork buns fairly. This cross-curricular and cross-cultural tale is a playful look at division and fractions, while featuring Chinese-American characters and cultural notes.
15. Ben and Becca Want a Pet / Ben y Beca quieren una mascota
By: Sindy McKay | Illustrated by: Meredith Johnson | Fiction | 2nd Grade
Ben and Becca cause hilarious mayhem when they accidentally let a pet store’s snake loose in the mall.
Sample Question: What do you think would be the perfect pet for you? Why? Write a story about how you would take care of it. Share your story with an adult.
16. The Mouse In My House / Un ratón en mi casa
By: Paul Orshoski | Illustrated by: Jeffrey Ebbeler | Fiction | 2nd Grade
A smart little mouse evades capture at every turn in this zany escapade. Parents and children can read together on adjacent dual-language book pages.
17. Amazing Eggs / Huevos asombrosos
By: Fran Hodgkins | Illustrated by: Wendy Smith | Nonfiction | 2nd Grade
Explore the fascinating world of eggs and hatchlings! Birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects all hatch from eggs, including dinosaurs. This nonfiction title reveals how some of the most amazing animals begin their lives by hatching from eggs.
Sample Question: Which one of these egg-laying creatures fascinated you the most? What made them so interesting? Talk about it with an adult.
18. Habitats Of The World / Hábitats del mundo
By: Sindy McKay | Illustrated by: Yanitzia Canetti | Nonfiction | 2nd Grade
This Spanish/English book features stunning photographs and insights into major animal habitats worldwide, including savannas, rainforests, coral reefs, deserts, mountains, swamps, and Arctic ice. It’s a captivating journey highlighting our planet’s beauty and the need to protect its diverse environments.
Sample Question: Which habitat would you most like to live in? Why? Talk about it with a parent.
19. Endangered Animals / Animales en peligro
By: Elise Forier | Nonfiction | 2nd Grade
This dual-language book explores why some animals are at risk of extinction and discusses positive actions being taken to protect them.
20. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs! / ¡La verdadera historia de los tres cerditos!
By: Jon Scieszka | Illustrated by: Lane Smith | Fiction | 3rd Grade
The hysterically clever fractured fairy tale picture book now has a Spanish translation. As author Jon Scieszka twists point of view and perspective, young readers will finally hear the other side of the story of “The Three Little Pigs.”
Sample Question: There are two sides to every story. Here, the wolf gets to tell his side of the story. Is it true? You get to decide!

21. The Ocean / El océano
By: Sindy McKay | Nonfiction | 3rd Grade
Explore the large oceans, find the amazing variety of sea life, and learn the importance of protecting this big ecosystem that’s home to countless species.
22. About Bugs / Acerca de los insectos
By: Sheryl Scarborough | Nonfiction | 3rd Grade
This text provides essential information about insects, including highlighting the differences between insects and spiders. It also introduces other types of insects, including beetles, bees, mantids, butterflies, cockroaches, and more.
Sample Question: Many people around the world eat bugs. Why? Have an adult help you with your research. Talk about what you discover.
23. About Dinosaurs / Acerca de los dinosaurios
By: Sindy McKay | Illustrated by: Robert Walters | Fiction | 4th Grade
This nonfiction book, written and illustrated with help from dinosaur expert Dr. Matthew Lamanna, explores the lives of various dinosaur species.
Sample Question: Pick two dinosaurs from this book that you have not heard of before. Research them. What do they have in common? How are they different? Share what you learn with an adult.
24. Sharks! / ¡Tiburones!
By: Sindy McKay | Illustrated by: Judith Hunt and Wendy Smith | Nonfiction | 4th Grade
Discover these predators and their incredible skills in this bilingual book with stunning photos and illustrations. Then, research the five species of river sharks, where they live, what they eat, and how long they live.
Why bilingual books and family engagement matter in 2024
By establishing daily reading routines and facilitating conversations in both the home language and in English, Kids Read Now empowers families to take an active role in their children’s literacy journey.
Kids Read Now is more than a reading program — it’s a bridge between home and school that brings real results for bilingual learners. In 2024, the company’s strategic improvements, led by CEO Dr. Kristen Walter, Ed.D., are directly addressing the needs of English Learners and their families.
With a continually growing selection of bilingual books, an app that supports translation in over 100 languages, and Discovery Questions that turn reading into a shared experience, Kids Read Now equips families with the tools they need to build lasting reading habits.
For Literacy Leaders, this program is an opportunity to close gaps in literacy, especially for students who benefit from bilingual support. If your goal is to support multilingual families and strengthen reading outcomes, Kids Read Now is a solution that works.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answer: A bilingual learner is a student who is actively learning in two languages, often balancing proficiency in their home language while acquiring or developing skills in a second language, such as English. These learners may vary in their levels of fluency in each language, but the goal is for them to become competent in both, using their home language as a foundation to support learning in the new language.
Answer: Kids Read Now is a non-profit organization that helps schools overcome and reverse learning loss with their in-home, independent reading program for K-5 students. Their summer reading program is proven to eradicate the summer slide. We focus on helping schools maintain and improve their students’ reading skills during out-of-school time by mailing books to students’ doorsteps every 7 to 10 days and enlisting the assistance of families and caregivers to encourage reading time and actively participating with engaging follow-up Discovery Questions.
Here’s what you can expect from Kids Read Now:
Book Distribution: Your students receive books to keep and read over and over the time frame of your choosing. Our summer program is where it all started and remains a top choice by school district partners. Book selections include a diverse range of titles to cater to your students’ different interests and reading levels.
Family Engagement: The program involves your parents and guardians by providing them with tools and resources to support their child’s reading. This includes reading guides, tips for encouraging reading at home, and ways to engage with the books.
Tracking and Reporting: Kids Read Now tracks which books your students have read. Simultaneously, they provide feedback and reports on progress.
Accessibility and Inclusivity: The program aims to be accessible to all children, especially those in underserved communities or schools with limited resources.
Educational Focus: Kids Read Now’s approach is informed by educational research, including the Science of Reading. Correspondingly, Kids Read Now focuses on methods and practices that effectively promote reading and literacy.