Cuddled and Carried / Consentido y Cargado

All animals have babies. And they take good care of them. Everyone loves baby animals!
Discovery Questions
After your child receives and reads this book, Discuss one or more of the following questions to help him/her make connections and build comprehension.
- This book shows some ways animals take care of their babies. What are some ways your parents take care of you? How are they the same as animals? How are they different? Talk about it with a parent.
- Pick two different animals in this book. They both take care of their babies. How are those ways the same? How are they different? Talk about it with a parent.
- Why is it important for parents to take care of their babies? What would happen to most of the babies in this book if the parents didn't take care of them? Talk about it with a parent.
- Pick one baby in the book. Write a story about how its parents take care of it. Don't forget to draw and color the pictures. Share your story with a parent.
Discovery Questions are available in 100+ languages in the app.
Book Details
Grade Level
1st Grade
Life Skills?
Culturally Diverse?
Student Favorite?
Part of a Series?
Book Code
Discover More about Cuddled and Carried / Consentido y Cargado
Mammals With Pouches
Learn about other cuddled animals in this article!
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