Dr. Sharon Gaston
Dr. Gaston has been active in the field of education for over 20 years. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, a Master’s Degree in Reading Education, and a Doctoral Degree in Educational Leadership and Supervision. Dr. Gaston is currently a Reading Specialist in an Arlington, Virginia elementary school.
Not only is she an author and illustrator, Dr. Gaston is a highly energetic and animated storyteller who uses dramatic voices, movement, and instruments to draw her audiences into the messages of her stories. Her shows promote character education development and wake up the imagination of young readers to the world of literacy.
Dr. Gaston has written and illustrated over thirty books, poems, and plays for children. She has published three character education books through Authorhouse entitled Clean Your Own House & Misery Loves Company, Who’s Laughing Now & Don’t Burn Your Bridge, and Brenda Bee Wannabe & Don’t Lose Your Marbles. She has also co-written, illustrated, and published with her husband, Richard Halttunen, the environmental education story Turtle Without a Home, published by Creative Minds Publications.