Sanne Rothman
Sanne Rothman can be found @ReadersMakeThinkers and her Kid Lit is on her Amazon Author’s page. Her own story, however, has its own winding path. Once upon a time, she was a respected police officer who answered calls for help in the middle of the night. And as it turns out, there are giants out there. Unforeseen events moved her to take that sense of duty and become a teacher. For over a decade, she successfully taught English Language Arts, Reading and Writing to students identified as at-risk through honors level. Her insight to events a child may experience outside the classroom paired with what a child may experience inside the classroom helped her reach all kids.
She learned that children, no matter their challenges and gifts, share a common bond. They all crave wonder and resolution. They all want choice and to be able to think independently. Sanne Rothman provided this by connecting students to their reading. Engaging a child is empowering a child and she saw the magic, the positive influence and that reading can conquer giants.
Sanne Rothman now writes her own school-age theme books to incorporate Critical Thinking Skills and she hopes you join her on this journey to inspire our kiddos to reach for the star. Sanne loves to hear from young readers, parents and teachers with any questions they may have about the characters in her stories.
Reach out to her and take advantage of the quick, easy to use Critical Thinking Skills she shares @ReadersMakeThinkers. For ideas on additional books, check out her Little Chef series and her Thunder Maker series: https://www.amazon.com/Suzanne-Rothman/e/B01J8QV7CQ.
Every day our students leap into the unknown. We anchor them to the known; to the learning. When they tumble into bed at night, their sweet dreams can consist of what we gave them. The gift of learning. For what greater freedom than to be a Critical Thinker.